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Rambling Thoughts On The Importance Of Exercise

Updated: Mar 19, 2023


Obviously as a personal trainer I am going to advocate training, that's purely because of how much it has helped me but also as a trainer I see it first hand transform people's lives, regardless of what level you are at or what stage of life you are at, it is proven to positively impact your life.


You hear it all the time, if you're down get your heart rate up, if you are depressed start getting out of your mind and into your body, if you want to push your business to the next level fucking smash a gym session after gym session, even when you don't feel like it keep absolutely abusing your body and it will shape your mindset to push your business or your sport to the next level.

I have seen these transformations take place with clients in person. I have had people say they are clinically depressed and they come out the other side a new person. I have had clients with multi million companies who come to me and manage to grow their revenue; profits even further. I have had obese clients come to me, shred the weight but the success here is not from the fat loss. The success here is the new person that they become, an aura of confidence oozing out of them that wasn't previously ignited.

So if exercise is known to be so important, what are we doing with our time instead?

Yes, we are all working and I understand how hard exercise can be after a disgusting day at work, the last thing you want to do is leave at 7am, get back at 7pm then plunger up the courage to get into the gym but habit formation is the key to everything here. We have to set new expectations to what we are currently used to. Once we get in the routine of packing our gym clothes and going straight to the gym in your break or directly after work it is easy but only easy once the habit is formed and new boundaries have been set. It is possible to fit in an hour to the day (for tips on building habits you can check out some of these books!).

Lets say you've got a partner at home, you've got children that you need to devote time, don't complain simply work with your current playing cards - wake up 90 minutes earlier and smash a session to set up your entire day and you might even find that the time spent with the family after work is more meaningful than ever.

I've never understood the excuse that people do not have the time to exercise.. There are even mums at Infinity Fitness Kings Hill that bring their children into the gym whilst they train, if they can you can. IT DOESNT EVEN NEED TO BE A GYM. FUCK THE GYM OFF. Go to the park and run about with your child, do some press ups whilst you wait for the kettle to boil if you literally cannot leave the house on that day. It's up to you to make the time.

If you've ever caught yourself saying this then write down what you are doing in the evening, are you watching endless amounts of tv? Are you playing video games? Are you endlessly scrolling through Instagram or Tiktok? So there is time for this but no time for exercise its a fucking useless and shit habit that you've formed because realistically its not benefiting your actual one life at all. You're robotically going through the motions, living in a false illusion, getting dopamine hits with the reflection showing nothing but a façade.

It is time to level up your real life character instead of a video game.

Muhammed Ali once said:

" I am happy, because I am fulfilling my purpose in life"

Your purpose in life does not need to be exercise related, it does not need to even involve the gym but whatever your life purpose may be, I can assure you that it is going to take a strong mindset to get there.

It is going to take days where you feel like shit, but master up the discipline to still do the things you do not want to do, rather than clinging to emotions. Exercise in whichever shape or form is going to build your mindset more than anything. When everything in your body is telling you to stop you get one more rep, you do one more round, you throw one more punch and keep overcoming your body with your mind and true greatness is possible.

10 people with the knowledge of their life purpose is more powerful than 1000 people working from dusk to dawn who do not know their purpose.

This is just some thoughts of the morning, probably on my high horse and high on caffeine but I know that with our bodies and minds we are all capable of a lot more than what we are presently putting out there. Myself included. So I guess the importance of exercise is that (yes we know the obvious of getting some big guns and some big lungs lol), but even better than that it builds our minds - being able to shun emotions and replace them with doing the things that you do not feel like doing is the key to unlocking greatness.

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Thank you for taking the time to read, appreciate it as always.

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