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Top 3 Tips For Bigger Arms

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

So, before we get into this one, I'd like to point out why training arms and consequently why having more muscular arms is going to be beneficial for BOTH genders.

Why Women Should Want Bigger Arms

Right, if you're a guy, you may want to skip over this part, if not read the fuck on and enjoy my friend. So, why is having muscular arms for women important? I believe there are a few reasons why this physique looks good on girls...

The first reason is quite simple in which training arms is going to burn off overall calories aiding in fat loss. Muscle fibres within your arms will be torn and with sufficient protein intake you'll build muscle and have a much more healthy look which is what males are innately attracted to and quite obviously, you will look and feel healthier in your own body which comes with an abundance of confidence.

Forget the people saying "don't lift or you'll get bulky arms like a man". This couldn't be anymore incorrect. Females have 1/10th the amount of testosterone of men, with completely different muscle fibre sizes within your arms - concluding they're not going to get big and bulky.

Another reason why women should be striving towards muscular arms is down to the fact that your shoulders will become broader, thus giving the illusion of a smaller waist and curvier frame (and let's be honest who doesn't want that).

Exhibit A:

Why Men Should Want Bigger Arms

Similarly, if you're a woman you might want to fuck this section off and get straight to the tips.

I'm going to keep this short and concise for the lads. Girls fucking like them mate. Guys will respect them and you'll personally love the self-confidence that comes with filling out your t-shirts / improving yourself for the better.

Here's a list of body parts that women are most attracted to:

  1. Torso - (controllable variable - work on core and get leaner)

  2. Chest - (controllable variable - train chest)

  3. Eyes - (uncontrollable variable)

  4. Arms - (controllable variable - train biceps, triceps and shoulders with my top 3 tips ;) )

  5. Mouth - (uncontrollable variable (unless you get fillers like me and become a juicy female magnet (said nobody ever (too many brackets going on rn)))

So, there we have it... arms are pretty important and it's nice to see that a lot of things are not necessarily god given. Rather, you can improve yourself to make yourself more attractive so that you widen your mating pool, find a companion or retain your current one. To summarise - follow my top 3 tips to get bigger arms or your bird is running away from you.

Let's get into it.


Yes, I'm shouting that because so many people neglect them and they're so unbelievably easy to grow. They give your arms the illusion that they're much wider than they actually are so please, please, please train them, with solid mind to muscle connection. DO NOT allow your back to overpower the movement.

As you can probably see, the image on the right looks noticeably smaller, it looks like it's lacking mass and general build in the arms. Literally, the only difference is the rear deltoid has been extracted which alternatively extracts the shape and appearance of the overall arm.

Personally, my two favourite rear deltoid exercises are the reverse pec deck and the bent over rear delt dumbbell fly. Google that shit or drop me a message for more info.

There's no excuse not to train your fookin' rear delts.

2. Increase Your Arms Frequency per Week

Depending on your banana split, you might already be doing this but you wanna be training your arms very regularly. My weekly split is push, pull, legs x 2.

This split enables me to train my biceps twice a week, my triceps twice a week and my shoulders twice a week. Some people have a dedicated arms day and might only include that once a week, meaning the muscle fibres in your arms are only being fully exhausted once a week. That's fine, but that's not enough. I'll effectively be getting double the progress over you within the space of a year.

Okay not quite double, but it's significant enough.

Basically, train the muscles in your arms at least twice a week for optimal muscle growth. I saw a noticeable difference in my arms when I started doing this so I really couldn't promote it enough.

3. Target ALL Tricep Muscles

You hear this one all the time but it is so true. Generally, when people want to get bigger arms they focus on their biceps and their shoulders. The reality is your triceps make up 2/3rds of your arms. So if you're neglecting your triceps and you aren't building them from every angle, unfortunately you're going to be stuck with bamboo arms for the rest of your life.

(Example exercise for your outer sweep tricep - Rope Pull Down)

You should be doing different exercises and movements when you train your triceps so that you are hitting both the inner and outer sweeps. I've fell in the trap before of neglecting my inner tricep and it was noticeable. My favourite exercise for the inner tricep would be the tricep overhead dumbbell extension (see below) - feel free to message for anymore tricep exercises.

If you focus on these top 3 tips I absolutely assure you that your arms will grow. Remember that the physical attribute of having bigger arms is quite a vain attribute to be working towards BUT the confidence that comes with working on yourself and evolving into a better version of yourself is something worthwhile and something we should all be striving towards.

Instagram: @aleexturneer

Facebook: Alex Turner Fitness

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